Ahhh, the early morning. The day is dawning. The sun glistens through the branches of the trees in the field while magnificent colors explode in the clouds. The birds chirp excitedly over the first meal of the day, a June bug perhaps or maybe a grasshopper that has exposed it's position. The gentle wind rustles my hair like an elderly grandmothers hand. The squirrels are starting their day by playing tag with one another in and around the majestic Oak trees, happily chattering away...
Well thats an ideal morning but I woke to utter darkness, sweating like a pig from the heat in my poorly air conditioned bedroom and an uncomfortable pain somewhere in my stomach that feels like an alien intruder ready to dine on spleen tartar. My extremities scream with a treacherous betrayal of their basic function and my mouth is as dry as the Mojave desert.
Yet, I am blessed with another day of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As bad as I feel, I know I am blessed. The gift of a new day has never been a human right although there are people in this world that will demand God correct that oversight as soon as they get enough people to sign their online petition.
As we study and grow in the knowledge of God's nature, we should realize we aren't promised anything in the life he's granted us other than he loves us and he will not forsake us. We never know if we have one more minute left on this earth much less one more day. As we let the trials and tribulations of being human make us into emotional useless blobs of goo, we forget that he is more knowledgeable and far more capable in setting out paths straight yet our sinful nature makes us into the proverbial toddler that screams "ME DO IT!" to assert our independence.
We were not made to live independently of God. Living apart from God is as illogical as a fish declaring that it no longer wants to be bothered by the confines of water.
My day is progressing. The aches and pains are disappearing and the alien living in my innards has finally decided to take a nap. I will make plans on what to do today. I will decide on how productive I want to be.. then God is gonna have to drop kick my fat hiney right in the middle of it to get me to actually get it done. He knows me too well.
Easy Veggie Grain Bowl
1 day ago
Sometimes those drop kicks are the best thing really. I have found that making myself get up and get going really is the best medicine.
Yup Miz Brittainy.. Ya gotta get up and get going.. especially when ya don't want to. Have a great and blessed day!
We are so alike you and me Bubba!!! Thanks for the word for the morning! You have inspired me, maybe I will start blogging againa :-)
Your post was a visible reminder that things happen in "HIS" time, not ours. I was having a pity party as I contemplated my continuing efforts to secure a legal source of income after being laid off last year. It will happen how and when and where it is supposed to happen. Patience grasshopper. Every day above ground is a good day.
Thanks Bill.
Yup Mr Charley,You should start blogging again, I enjoyed those. You can go deeper than I can. I mostly do fluff stuff. Love you brother.
Anonymous, Whoever you may be, I had to quit my job 3 years ago to take care of my dad. I had to give up my insurance and with having diabetes, it was very scary but I trusted him. I started praising him for everything as much as I could. I'm still unemployed and we are making it on his social security and small pension (Pension from the Navy he left in 1945!) Before he got the pension God provided small jobs for me where I would not have to be away for long periods. He will carry you, no matter how heavy the load. God Bless!
I wake up every morning and ask myself to choose. So every day I get up and choose the same thing...making it the best day I can not only for myself but for my family and everyone else who I come in contact with. It's a harder choice than you would think, because some days I want to turn over and say the heck with it all, I can't do this anymore, let someone else take it on today. Just let me sleep this one away and maybe tomorrow will be better, but I don't...I choose to make it a great day.
The principal in the elementary school I used to work for made an announcement every morning..he would say "make it a great day or not, the choice is yours".
JoAnn Walsh
I don't think your blog posts are fluff at all! And, we all need the humorous ones to help us just laugh at life....otherwise we'd all be way too serious! You have a gift!
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